Monday, 1 February 2016، 04:46 PM
امام حسین (ع): هیهات منا الذله / ذلت از ما دور است
Imam Hussain pbuh : Far from us is Disgrace
He said: If you do not believe in religion and do not fear the Hereafter ,then at least be free from tyranny and arrogant.
او گفت:مرگ در راه عزّت جز زندگی جاوید، و زندگی با ذلّت جز مرگ بی حیات نیست.
He said:Death with dignity is eternal life and life of humiliation is Death.:
He said:
People are slave of this world and their religion is just like saliva or taste on the tongue. They revolve around religion as long as their materialistic" needs are well provided; but when they face difficulties, tests & trials, very few people prove to be steadfast"
او گفت: بترس از ستم کردن بر کسی که به جز خدا یاوری ندارد.
:He said
“Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God.”
او گفت: رستگار نشوند مردمی که غضب خالق را به بهای رضایت مخلوق خریدند.
He said:
"People will not be redeemed who gained satisfaction of people ,but that`s price of wrath of God"
او گفت: هر کس این پنج چیز را نداشته باشد از زندگی بهره ای نمی برد: عقل، دین، ادب، شرم و خوش خلقی.
He said:
".If one does not have this five things there is no good in him: intellect ,religion, etiquette,shame and good manners"
و نیز گفت: جز به یکی از سه نفر حاجت مبر: به دیندار، یا صاحب مروّت، یا کسی که اصالت خانوادگی داشته باشد.
He said:
Do not seek help from any person except three persons :one who is religious, or generous or of noble descent (parentage